Kensington Marryatville Bowling Club

Home to the Kensi Kookaburras

Kensi Newsletter 5/08/24

Winter Social Bowls

On Thursday and Saturday, a fully subscribed group of bowlers enjoyed two excellent days of bowling, the greens were running beautifully, the sun shone, wind abated most of the time. David and Tania welcomed bowlers from several neighbouring clubs.

  • Margret Lambert (KMBC President)

Intention Survey

Thank you to those of you who took time to respond. Your responses are valuable for committee discussion and planning for the upcoming season.

  • Margret Lambert (KMBC President)

Coaching Program & Trials

Coaches, Mentors and Aspiring Coaches Meeting!

On the back of a very successful season we are intent on building on our success through building up our coaching panel to support all our players.

To this end there is a meeting for all current accredited coaches, mentors and aspiring coaches on Thursday 15th August at the club 10-11.30am. At this meeting we will plan for the season ahead and build a consistent approach to our player support.

If you are interested in finding out more about this meeting or attending please contact Greg Miller on 0409 880 356 or

Becoming a coach is a great way to find out how to improve your own bowling skill as well as supporting other club members.

See you there!

Kookaburras Pennant Season Training Begins

Club Training begins on Tuesday 3 September at 9-11am and continues throughout the season, including finals. All bowlers are welcome! Saturday 7 September will be the first internal trial game. Training will start at 10am with a trial game to follow starting at 12.30.

Throughout last season I asked bowlers to identify specific skills they wished to improve. I then suggested activities for them to practice. Please give some thought on what aspects of your bowling you wish to improve this year.

External Trial Games

A number off external trail games have been scheduled for the preseason. We are working on trial games for Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday sides. The first Saturday external Trial Game will be on Saturday 14 September against Payneham.

Winter Improvement Challenges

Thank you to all the bowlers who have submitted their challenge results so far. I have responded to all submissions with detailed feedback and suggestions on how to improve further.

As the weather improves and the new pennant season approaches. I hope more bowlers will have a crack at these challenges. The importance of skills training through a sustained period of time in the off season can not be overstated. Social games are great for practicing strategy and trying those bowls you have been practicing in a more relaxed environment. To enter see the attachment below.

Friday Night Meal (9 Aug)

The next Friday meal will be Friday 9th August 2024. The menu is Chunky Beef Pie followed by Banana Pudding. Cost is $20 per head. Please have your names on the list by Wednesday 7th August 2024.

  • Ken Mason

Happy Hour Drinks and Nibbles Plus Indoor Bowls (16 Aug)

Come along for drinks, nibbles and a roll on the carpet, no experience needed, and all bowls are supplied. Please add your name to the list on the board so we can form teams and order pizza if wanted.

  • 5:30 pm - Happy Hour as usual
  • 6:30 pm - Pizzas will be served as ordered
  • 7:00 pm - Mixed gender teams (short games with a prize for best team)

Ladies Halloween Gala Day

This fabulous tournament will be held at our Club on 28 October 2024 with a 9.30am for 10am start. 

  • Game Format: Ladies 3 Game Rolling Triples.
  • Entry: $90 per team (single entries welcome)
  • Lunch and Nibbles included.
  • $4000 Prize Money
  • Registration to Brian Dew - 0439 312 564
  • Dress Code: Halloween
  • Download the Ladies Gala Day flyer

Make sure you register a team and come along and enjoy the day.

  • Tania Lewis (Tournament Co-ordinator)

Bowls Season Opening Dinner

The Opening of the Season Dinner is to be held on Friday 20 September 2024. Please add the date in your diary.

  • Margret Lambert (KMBC President)

Social Media

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and remember, photos from all bowling club activities and events are most welcome.


Please remember that when you visit one of our club sponsors to let them know you are from the Kensington Marryatville Bowling Club so they know their sponsorship is worthwhile. Sponsors play a vital role in the future of our bowling club so please be sure to support them whenever you can. Anyone who has an idea about a potential sponsor please approach anyone on the committee to share your ideas.

Bowls Newsletter 05/08/24

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