Kensington Marryatville Bowling Club

Home to the Kensi Kookaburras

Kensi Newsletter 01/07/24

Shades Update

I reported last week that the work was on the home stretch. Good news is that the major construction work is complete. A few final cosmetic touches in the form of painting to go. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in the project from inception to completion. It has been inspiring to see and feel the energy and interest that the project has generated. Thank you to the Marryatville Trust who generously provided a grant to complete the work.

  • Margret Lambert (KMBC President)

A and B Greens Closure

A and B green will be closed for treatment on Sunday, June 30 and Monday, July 1. Please do not use the greens on these days.

  • Margret Lambert (KMBC President)

Indoor Biased Carpet Bowls

We are now midway in the carpet bowls pennant season with some wins and some losses. Competition is fierce and we are keen to climb the ladder. 

Practice is held on Monday mornings and games on Tuesday mornings in a variety of locations. Our season began on the 30th April and ends on the 6th August. We are planning a mixed gender indoor bowls tournament for a Friday night (between meal nights) to include short games followed by a meal. Everyone is welcome to play or just enjoy the night. Date and details will be announced soon. We are fortunate to have a keen group of ladies who enjoy the competition, and the social interactions in a warm and friendly environment.

  • Heather Lynch

Invitation to KMBC Members for Thankyou Celebration

This Thursday Sarah has her 30th chemotherapy cycle of Enhertu. We are pleased to say that recent scans show Sarah’s cancer is still stable and Enhertu is still working for her. Sarah wouldn’t have been able to make it this far with Enhertu without your amazing support and for that our family will be forever grateful.

As a thank you to everyone who has supported us, we have planned a celebration on Saturday 13 July 2024 at Kensington Marryatville Bowls Club. Please click on the link for more details and to RSVP. Spots are limited so get in quick and we look forward to seeing you there:

  • Pat, Sarah, Jack and Ella.

Wanted - Coordinator for Thursday Social Winter Bowls

We are looking for someone to co-ordinate and run our Thursday Social Winter Bowls. Although Allan Wilkins is not able to continue in this role from Thursday 18 July 2024, he has offered to help with the transition to a new coordinator. 

Expressions of interest can be emailed to or alternatively you can contact Marg Lambert (0412 590 742) or Pip Malone (0409 955 501) if you able to fill this position or if you know of anyone who may be willing to assist.

  • Margret Lambert (KMBC President)

Ladies Halloween Gala Day

This fabulous tournament will be held at our Club on 28 October 2024 with a 9.30am for 10am start. 

  • Game Format: Ladies 3 Game Rolling Triples.
  • Entry: $90 per team (single entries welcome)
  • Lunch and Nibbles included.
  • $4000 Prize Money
  • Registration to Brian Dew - 0439 312 564
  • Dress Code: Halloween
  • Download the Ladies Gala Day flyer

Make sure you register a team and come along and enjoy the day.

  • Tania Lewis (Tournament Co-ordinator)

Happy Hour this Friday

A reminder that Happy Hour will be held at the Club this Friday 5 July 2024 at 5.30pm. We encourage members to come along and enjoy this social occasion. 


For a great view of the sunset you can enjoy your drink upstairs. See you there.

  • Ken Mason

Friday Night Meal

The next Friday meal will be Friday 12th July 2024 and this themed Christmas in July, come in your Christmas attire. The menu is Roast Turkey with Veg, followed by Pudding and Custard. 

Cost is $20 per head. Please have your names on the list by Wednesday 26 June 2024.

  • Helpers Team: 1…. J.Y., J.B.,L.C.,M.P. - Thank You - Ken Mason

Social Media

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and remember, photos from all bowling club activities and events are most welcome.


Please remember that when you visit one of our club sponsors to let them know you are from the Kensington Gardens Lawn Bowling Club so they know their sponsorship is worthwhile. Sponsors play a vital role in the future of our bowling club so please be sure to support them whenever you can. Anyone who has an idea about a potential sponsor please approach anyone on the committee to share your ideas.

Newsletter 01/07/24

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