Kensington Marryatville Bowling Club

Home to the Kensi Kookaburras


Kensi Newsletter 03/02/25

Kensi Newsletter 03/02/25

The Members Draw will be conducted at the Happy Hour this Friday, February 7 and the raffle will have the meat tray as first prize. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 27/01/25

Kensi Newsletter 27/01/25

The time has come to start thinking about and nominating who you think is worthy of being recognised as the 2024/25 KMBC Volunteer of the Year. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 20/01/25

Kensi Newsletter 20/01/25

Greens maintenance meeting reminder for Monday Jan 20 at 10am. This is an important meeting for further directions Read more
Kensi Newsletter 13/01/25

Kensi Newsletter 13/01/25

Happy New Year! Hoping everyone enjoyed the break and is ready to get back to playing some bowls! Read more
Kensi Newsletter 16/12/24

Kensi Newsletter 16/12/24

Wishing you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing you all in the new year. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 09/12/24

Kensi Newsletter 09/12/24

So far, the season has presented a mixed bag for the club with many positives emerging and much learning. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 02/12/24

Kensi Newsletter 02/12/24

The committee is seeking replacements for not only Greens Management but also Tournament Director. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 25/11/24

Kensi Newsletter 25/11/24

The committee is seeking expressions of interest from people prepared to be involved with the greens work. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 18/11/24

Kensi Newsletter 18/11/24

The committee is seeking expressions of interest from people prepared to be involved with the greens work. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 11/11/24

Kensi Newsletter 11/11/24

Our second Bowls and Tennis Happy Hour was another great success with plenty of delicious food and lively conversation. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 04/11/24

Kensi Newsletter 04/11/24

The Ladies Halloween Gala day was an outstanding success due to the work of many members and the support of bowlers who came from far and wide. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 28/10/24

Kensi Newsletter 28/10/24

A reminder that each Friday is Happy Hour at the Club from 5.30pm until 7pm. We encourage you to come along, bring a plate and a few friends. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 21/10/24

Kensi Newsletter 21/10/24

Reminder to our Ladies, Gala Day Monday October 28th 9:30am for 10am start. Pre-game nibbles will be available from 9am. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 14/10/24

Kensi Newsletter 14/10/24

The club is seeking a new volunteer for the role of Chair of Selectors as the incumbent resigned Wednesday last week. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 07/10/24

Kensi Newsletter 07/10/24

Our annual challenge against Tranmere was once again a game played in great sporting spirit. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 30/09/24

Kensi Newsletter 30/09/24

The trial games have been both enjoyable and successful, providing valuable experience in preparation for the upcoming season. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 09/09/24

Kensi Newsletter 09/09/24

There has been a positive start to the preseason with well over 40 players attending training on Tuesday and several more on Saturday. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 02/09/24

Kensi Newsletter 02/09/24

Club training begins Tue 3rd Sept at 9-11am and continues throughout the season, including finals. All bowlers are welcome! Read more
Kensi Newsletter 26/08/24

Kensi Newsletter 26/08/24

Club training begins Tue 3rd Sept at 9-11am and continues throughout the season, including finals. All bowlers are welcome! Read more
Kensi Night Owls

Kensi Night Owls

Summer Night Bowls AKA Night Owls is in full swing, come and join the fun, you'll be bowled over! Read more
Kensi Newsletter 19/08/24

Kensi Newsletter 19/08/24

Another successful Winter Social Bowls season concludes on Thursday 29th and Saturday 31st of August. Read more
Annual Kensi Open Tournament

Annual Kensi Open Tournament

We Invite all members and visitors to play in our annual Day in The Gardens Open Tournament on Monday March 17th 2025. Read more
Kensi Newsletter 12/08/24

Kensi Newsletter 12/08/24

How time flies! Winter Social Bowls wraps up at the end of the month then it's onwards and upwards for season 2024/25 Read more
Kensi Newsletter 5/08/24

Kensi Newsletter 5/08/24

Meeting for all current accredited coaches, mentors and aspiring coaches on Thursday 15th August at the club 10-11.30am Read more